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ID number:733085
Published: 29.09.2009.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 2 units
References: Used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    3
1.  The Legal background to the European Community’s Entrepreneurship Policies    4
2.  EU SME’s policy    5
2.1.  EU Competitiveness and innovation program. (2007- 2013)    6
2.2.  European Charter for Small Enterprises    7
2.3.  Action Plan for Improvement of Business Environment in Latvia    9
2.4.  Doing Business and Latvia    10
2.5.  Think Small First a Small Business Act for Europe    12
2.6.  Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)    12
2.7.  Cutting the ‘red tape’ for Europe    13
2.8.  EU Structural Funds    14
  Conclusions    16
  Literature    17

1. The Legal background to the European Community’s Entrepreneurship Policies
The legal background of EC Entrepreneurship’s politics is Paragraph 1571 of the EC Treaty where the assumption of EC to provide help for creation of such business environment where enterprises, production and innovation could successfully develop.
DG Enterprise and Industry looking for needs of the manufacturing industry and to those of small and medium-sized enterprises. It manages programmes to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, and ensures that EU legislation takes proper notice of businesses' concerns. Actually DG for Enterprise and Industry works to ensure that EU policies contribute to the sustainable competitiveness of EU enterprises and facilitate job creation and sustainable economic growth. It has the task of ensuring that the single market for goods runs smoothly and is a major contributor to the implementation of the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs. DG employs over 1,000 people in its departments and units and is responsible for a budget of some €500m. The activities undertaken are all underpinned by principles laid down in the EC Treaty. 2
During the European Council’s meeting in Lisbon in March 23-24, 2000, the following objectives were set - to make the EU economy the most competitive, dynamic and knowledge based, able to demonstrate long-term economic development, provide more and better work places, as well as secure social cohesion. In this way the „Lisbon Strategy” determines almost all EU economic, social and environmental policy initiatives. Tasks set up to achieve the Lisbon targets are divided into 3 blocks:
1.transfer to a competitive, dynamic and knowledge- based economy;3
2.Modernization of social model, inputting bigger investments in human resources and creating a social state;4
3.securing opportunities for environment protection and long term development.5…

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