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ID number:898106
Published: 26.09.2021.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: 2 units
References: Not used
Time period viewed: 2019.g. - 2020.g.

Data management should be drastically improved for Wildcat Haven in order to correspond with the basic data management rules and protection acts. The privacy policy is not available on the website, which is a huge problem for any organization. There is no clear cookie policy on the website and a customer cannot read any terms of how the company is treating the data. Only case when a customer can understand how the data is being treated is by making the donation or adoption of a wildcat. The solution to this problem is introduction of clear data rules. The GDPR rules have to be set for the users of the webpage, as well as Data Protection Act and a clear Cookie Policy. Without clear set of such rules the webpage must not operate at all, and a customer should always have an option to read such rules and have a clear understanding of how these rules are affecting him or her. Second step of clear data management should be the data protection and analysis of the data. To protect the data encryption services must be used in order for it to be secure. When all of the previously mentioned steps are implemented, the analysis of the data can be done. Customer data can be collected without using any third party, from the data a lot can be figured about the customer behavior, which can be used in advantage to improve services or provide tailor made suggestions on email newsletter that is being sent out. Data based customer experience is a huge step to boost the engagement of customers, as well as retention, for example, if it can be seen that a customer is frequently visiting the webpage, but not making any donations, he or she can be persuaded by an email which is tailored for the customer to make a donation of any kind. …

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