Now people can do climbing not only in their country or area, but try different climbing destinations worldwide. The quality of equipment and safety measures have extremely changed and improved, so people now are more willing to try extreme activities and at the same time feel safe. Relating to safety measures, for example in Great Britain, laws and regulations are very strictly monitored. And there can be found loads of regulations which relates to adventure tourism industry. In addition, in Great Britain, what has become known as "the Lyme Bay incident" resulted in the passing of the Activity Centres (Young Persons` Safety) Act 1995. This act legislates a licensing authority to oversee the accreditation and licensing of providers of facilities for adventure activities. (Cloutier, 2000, p. 43) Not less important is media as a motivational factor. People see movies and advertisements, where people do adventure activities, for example, sailing in Mediterranean Sea or diving in the Great coral reef. All these factors motivate people to try something new and experience unforgettable emotions.
To conclude, apparently tourism industry has two extremes: on the one hand; tourism has changed and thanks to the technology development massively evolved, on the other hand; increase of tourism industry has negatively influenced environment, social factors and economy of certain destination countries. The biggest factor what has influenced tourism industry is technology development. Consequently, from this factor arise not only positive outcomes, but also negative ones. Positive outcomes would be cheap and fast travel, easy accessible information, high standard safety measures, more spare time. Negative outcomes would be air pollution, water pollution, waste disposal, noise pollution, overcrowding. One possible solution to the environmental and socio-cultural problems associated with tourism could be adoption and engender sustainable development principles. Although, tourism industry will always be overshadowed by economical, environmental, social and other factors, that all the times changes the same as the human thinking.