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ID number:586540
Published: 16.11.2005.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  The history of the games    1
  The Sims    2
  Quiz about games    7
  Conclusion    10

To sum up, I can say that games are around us and I doubt whether they will ever disappear. Nowadays, there are so many available games that people might need even several days just to choose the best one for them or the best one for their children. Just maybe the games are far too many. If you open any Webpage which offers you online or any downloadable games, you can see many many categories – starting with intelectual games, like word, board or card games and ending with different violent games, where users have to shoot (or kill in any other way), bad people. The amplitude of the choice is very large, everything is up to you!
I might recommend too some games to people. My favourite one right now is the oldie one, called, Wacky Races, made after a very old movie. I have realized that partly the best games were created in early 90`s and right now I have loved them. The good old game, also very very popular is Mario. That game might be called as an adventurous one, just as is Wacky Races.
As I said a bit earlier, everything is up to each and every human being. The games will not leave us, not now, nor anywhen else. Just enjoy them!

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