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ID number:953822
Published: 26.08.2021.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 6 units
References: Used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    4
1.  Karosta’s history    6
2.  Karosta prison nowadays    7
2.1.  Sights in Karosta district    8
2.1.  The St. Nicholas Orthodox Maritime Cathedral    9
2.1.2.  Karosta prison    9
2.1.3.  The Kalpaks bridge    10
2.1.4.  Manege    11
2.1.5.  The Water Tower    11
2.1.6.  The Station of Homing Pigeons    12
2.1.7.  North mole    12
2.1.8.  The Northern Forts    13
3.  Choice factors for Karosta prison in Liepaja    15
3.1.  Definition of consumer behavior    15
3.1.  Spy games in Karosta prison    16
3.2.  Behind bars – the show    18
3.3.  Labyrinth of senses in North fortress    19
3.4.  Escape room    20
3.5.  Buffet    21
3.6.  Spending a night in Karosta prison    22
  Conclusions    23
  Sources    24

1. Karosta was built in 1890-1906 as a maritime base for the Russian Tsar Alexander III, and later served as a base for the Soviet Baltic Fleet.
2. Presently it is an exceptionally prevalent place for voyagers and specialists, since there are one of a kind sights and fascinating spots, for example, the picturesque seascapes with incompletely impacted posts on the Baltic shore.
3. Liepaja’s Karosta prison by non-Liepaja’s inhabitants often called the Naval Port or War port, which occupies about a third of the city's total area of its northern part, is a wonderful, paradoxical and a unique place not only in Latvian, but also in the world’s history and architecture.
4. The army jail of Liepāja's Karosta was worked toward the start of the twentieth century as a Navy doctor's facility however has never been utilized as a healing facility - in all times it has been utilized as a fleeting disciplinary punishment put for naval force mariners and non – appointed officers since the start of the twentieth century.
5. Consumer Behaviour is a branch which deals with the various stages a consumer goes through before purchasing products or services for his end use.
6. Not all promotional materials and advertisements excite a consumer; a consumer does not pay attention to everything he sees - he is interested in only what he wants to see (that is called selective attention).

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