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ID number:243850
Published: 13.06.2012.
Language: English
Level: Elementary school
Literature: 2 units
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Introduction    3
  The Bank of Latvia    4
  Commercial banks    5
  Advantages of Latvia’s banks    7
  Disadvantages of Latvia’s banks    8
  Conclusion    9
  Bibliography    10

Economy has various instruments, and one of them is banking system. Each country has one, and each one has it different.
Nowadays banks play a major role in our everyday life and routine- from delivering your salary to loaning you money. Every one of us is using or have used the services that banks offer at least one time in our life, if not every day. Families keep their savings in banks, often choosing to deposit their money, allowing for the bank to use it to keep its current operations, but being paid percentage at the end of the period. …

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