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ID number:800330
Published: 14.03.2007.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: 12 units
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Annotation    4
  Anotācija    5
  Introduction    6
1.  Personality    7
1.1.  Life and career    7
1.2.  Branson’s adventures    9
1.2.1.  World record attempts    9
1.2.2.  Television, film, and print    10
2.  Business exploits    12
2.1.  List of Richard Branson's business ventures    14
3.  An interview    18
  Conclusion    22
  Theses    23
  Bibliography    24
  Appendix    25


The theme of the research work: "A successful person – Richard Branson".
This work looks at the life and work of Richard Branson, one of the most successful and richest people in the world, trying to find out the reasons for his success and find the key to them.
Research work includes a short Branson’s biography, his career ways description, information about his hobbies and adventures and it also looks at Branson’s business empire’s ‘‘Virgin’’ development and progress.
In the end of the work an interview with Richard Branson can be found. Interview consists of interesting questions, which have been taken from various newspapers and magazines.
In the Appendix 5 interesting pictures associated with Richard Branson and “Virgin” can be found.
The research work consists of 22 pages and several research methods are used in this work: information from books and various newspapers, information from all kinds of cyclopedias, use of Internet resources.


Zinātniski pētnieciskā darba tēma: „Veiksmīga persona – Ričards Brensons”.
Darbā aplūkota Ričarda Brensona, viena no pasaules veiksmīgākajiem un bagātākajiem cilvēkiem, dzīve un darbs, cenšoties izprast viņa panākumus un atrast to atslēgu.
Darbā iekļauta īsa Brensona biogrāfija, karjeras gaitas raksturojums, informācija par Brensona vaļaspriekiem un viņa aizraušanos ar mēģinājumiem sasniegt pasaules rekordus, kā arī aplūkota Ričarda Brensona biznesa impērijas „Virgin” izaugsme un sasniegumi.
Darba nobeigumā atrodama intervija ar pašu Ričardu Brensonu, kas sastādīta no dažādu laikrakstu interviju interesantākajiem izvilkumiem.
Pielikumā ir iespēja apskatīt interesantus attēlus saistībā ar Ričardu Brensonu un „Virgin”.
Kopumā darbs sastāv no 22 lappusēm, un tā veidošanā pielietotas dažādas izpētes metodes: dažāda veida rakstisko avotu analīze (grāmatas, laikraksti latviešu un angļu valodā), interneta resursu izpēte un apkopošana.


People have always wanted to be like someone else – someone better, someone richer, someone more successful. So one of the biggest questions ever is: ‘’How does he or she do it?’’ Yes, people always want to know what is the difference between them and that successful person. And because of that it is very interesting to find out everything about one of the most successful people in the whole world – Richard Branson.
Richard Branson is not a Superman. Once upon a time he was a common British boy like thousands of other boys in England. He was not an excellent pupil, actually, he did not even finish the school. He did not had very rich parents that could make his ways much easier. He was just a normal teenager when he setup his first bussiness and he had nothing else but just a hope, courage and faith.
Nowdays Richard Branson holds the biggest business empire in the world – ‘’Virgin’’. His brand can be found in every area of life. His companies are based all around the world and the brand ‘’Virgin’’ is best known brand in the 21st century. And Richard is still seeking for new business oportunities.
It is obvious that we need to find out more about this man and that is why this resarch work is made. The goals for this research are:

To find out everything about Richard’s personality
To look closer at his career
To take a closer look at ‘’Virgin’’
To find out Branson’s key to success

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