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ID number:503996
Published: 18.04.2007.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

1. As we all know- traveling abroad is very interesting, because people are different and also they have different lifestyle and customs. But when we have to do business it is important to know all these culture gaps. My client will go to international trade fare to France in Paris- to present her enterprise and find new partners. Although Europe is rather small area, and some people think that there can’t be any big differences between Germany and France for example. But it is not true- In France sometimes its problem to find common ground in business with somebody if you don’t know French. French people think that France is relatively big country and visitors have to speak in their language, and if you know it you can close the deals faster and they understand you better. Frenchmen detest so called “small talk”, which means talking about weather. But instead of it they like to discuss food, wines and also religion. And what is interesting they are always interested in your culture. In negotiations Frenchmen mostly act very firmly and as I already said they insist of using French.
2. Every executive have similar requirements, but there are always some special needs. My client is woman who always travels with her small doggy. So I have to be sure that all the palaces- hotel and restaurants accept animals. Of course she needs highest comfort level and that everything goes well and fast without any problems. …

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