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ID number:819189
Published: 18.04.2007.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The journey starts with flight from Riga to Melbourne, and as the flight takes all night, we are in Melbourne next day in the morning at 9 am. After the landing and all airport procedures (10.00) we begin a city tour of Melbourne. The first stop is The Rialto Towers- the tallest office building in Australia. The observation deck on the 55th level provides a spectacular view of the city and its outlying regions. Then we continue our sightseeing with the Royal Exhibition Building which is one of the world's oldest exhibition pavilions, symbolizing the great 19th century international exhibition movement. It is one of the few 'world fair' buildings from the 19th century. Then we go down the Swanston Street, with is called the “High street” of Melbourne’s city- along its length lie the prominent city landmarks such as Flinders St. Station, St. Paul Cathedral, Melbourne Town Hall, the State Library, and other. As Melbourne is blessed with some of the best gardens in the world we visit one of them- Royal Botanic Garden which is marvelous undulating garden beside the Yarra River, and offers tranquil breathing space and opportunity to explore thousands of native and exotic plants. And the last sight what we visit is Captain Cook’s Cottage. This small and very modest 300 year old cottage was brought over stone by stone from Yorkshire, England and reassembled. It was the home belonging to Captain James Cook’s parents. Captain Cook was the great sea navigator who discovered Australia. Till the 4 pm. We have free time to explore the city on our own and to have a diner. …

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