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ID number:549109
Published: 01.10.2021.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 2 units
References: Not used

1. Travel agency “Top Tour” is a small agency that orders travels only to business partners, preparing only domestic and foreign excursions in the company.
2. Fatherland is successful in the composition of two people and is able to cover and realize the existing demand and successfully organize and implement existing tours and trips.
3. There is virtually no tourism marketing agency in place to promote products or attract customers, the agency mostly works with existing customers.
4. The travel agency does not seek to attract new customers and promote the offered tourism services, since it does not invest practically any funds and efforts to implement marketing activities.
1. The head of a travel agency must develop a new marketing policy and marketing activities. In this way, new customers would be attracted to the company, which would increase the company's profits.
2. The head of the agency should develop an enterprise development strategy, which should include assessment of the company's current situation, market analysis and concrete directions of action and measures for the development of the company.…

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