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ID number:507487
Published: 19.01.2010.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used
Table of contents
Nr. Chapter  Page.
  Executive Summary    2
  Table of Contents    3
  Description of the Company    4
  Internship Activities    6
  How International University Audentes prepared you for the internship    9
  An Assessment of the Internship    11
  Conclusions of the report    12

Dārzi Ltd. offers development and implementation for landscaping, provides professional advice and offers interior decoration with houseplants.
Dārzi Ltd. partners’ are well-known gardening companies, agricultural growers and wholesale traders from Latvia, Poland, Lithuania and Estonia. As well as Dārzi Ltd. is the representative in The Baltic States for the companies Chrestensen seeds from Germany and Baltus Bloembollen for seeds and flower bulbs.
I was assisting the company’s accountant in everyday activities with financial procedures and administrative work. My tasks were to prepare weekly and monthly bookkeeping, ensure the documentation, entering the inventory data in the system and following expenses and incomes in the banc accounts. As my skills were developing and supervisor was satisfied with my performance, I got other responsibilities such as communicating with foreign partners, finding new suppliers, signing contracts with them and replace the sales person during her vacation.…

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