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  • Working with Dad: a story of a father and son working together and learning from one another and from the disadvantaged people


    Essays3 Literature

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ID number:795603
Published: 30.11.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

My alarm goes off at four in the morning and I literally roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I throw on work clothes, an old t-shirt and jeans that have been washed way past their limit. Then it's down the stairs to the kitchen, where I throw the kettle on the stove to make a cup of coffee for the long ride ahead. I slump into a chair at the bare kitchen table. It won't be inhabited again for many hours. I plop my head on my arms, using them as a makeshift pillow while I impatiently wait for the whistle of the kettle. When it finally shrills, I get up and make my thermos of co…

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