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  • Why Music Records Should be Given Away for Free


    Essays3 Music

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ID number:422636
Published: 12.05.2011.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Why must everything in a world cost something? If the best things in life already are for free, then music can be one of those things. Music should be available to everybody at no cost, because it is a modern way of communicating and getting one’s ideas around. Every musician should consider giving his or her music away for free to become popular and avoid feeding the bosses of music industry, whose last concern is introducing the audience to new, breathtaking music. Benefit of all but profit of no one may seem unrealistic at the first glance; when in fact, it is the path to follow for any idea nowadays.
Free music does not mean that talent should go unrewarded. It means that musicians should make profit from concerts and merchandise, not from records. Song authors should not get a pat on their back everyday for the rest of their lives just for writing one or two good songs. Earning money should be about working hard – getting on stage, making an effort to sing or play an instrument – not resting on the laurels or the past. Musicians should make money from performing, not selling copied CD’s. …

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