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ID number:729835
Published: 27.12.2006.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Teenage time in our life is a time of big changes, when changes not only our outer look, but also the way we think. In this age we for the second time in our lives get acquainted with the world, everything valuing too exaggerate, because in this age we discover a new world - the world of adult. In teenage years the hormones are ragging and the mood all the time is changing, so the thoughts about something changes very fast. When teenagers have some kind of trouble or they are not satisfied with something, they may start rebel. Often in the beginning they rebel against parents, family, then against school and the system of education. This so called teenage rebellion may express in different ways – ignoring parents, calling names, different kind of body accessories (tattoo, piercing, and earrings), wearing only black or some other typical style, which isn’t classical, clothes, unusual make up, not wish to learn, getting bad marks, drinking, smoking, using drugs, running from home, violation of different laws (stealing, fighting, vandalizing and so on).…

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