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  • What were the Advantages and Disadvantages of Nazi Rule for the German People up to 1939?


    Essays2 History, Culture

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ID number:415374
Published: 11.01.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

What were the Advantages and Disadvantages of Nazi Rule for the German People up to 1939?
Nazism seemed to end the effects of the great depression. The German economy had been devastated in 1929 when the great depression happened, but surprisingly, it was looking more prosperous afterwards! In 1938 national income was the highest Germany had seen, which was higher than what Germany had before the great depression by eight billion marks! Although wages had not overtaken the level that wages were at in 1928, industrial and consumer goods were way above the 1928 mark, and employment was almost a million less than what it was in 1928. However, this employment figure is quite controversial because the Nazis threw the Jews out of their jobs, replaced them with German people, and did not account for the Jews in the unemployment figure!

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