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ID number:902977
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Togo's culture is diverse among its different ethnic groups. Every tribe has its own traditions, beliefs, and art forms. But however, all of them share a common love for music, dance, and storytelling.
Performance arts are very popular in Togo. Drums are the main instruments used for their music. Most Togolese music is designed to accompany dancing. Most of their dances are for celebrating peace, love, hunting, war, farming, and fishing. One of the dances is call the achya, which is an acrobatic dance involving back flips and jumping to the beating of the drums, celebrates family unity.
Togo also has many beautiful art works. Many Togolese are skilled craftsmen. Wood and vegetable sculpture is an especially popular art form. They also make weavings of all sorts; like baskets, rugs, masks, and hats. These are perfect for souvenirs.
One of the Togolese oldest traditions is storytelling. It is not just there for entertainment but also to educate them in history, morality, and proper behavior. These stories are to be pass down from generations to generations.

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