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ID number:525888
Published: 22.12.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

This paper shall argue that despite the costs of a higher education, a college or university education is of great value to every individual. Higher education prepares an individual for the working world through the imparting of specialized knowledge. A Higher education allows individuals to earn more at the end of their degrees, making up for the cost incurred during the pursuit of the degree. College education helps to provide students with critical thinking and communication skills that lasts a lifetime. A higher education helps an individual grow as a person, by exposing them to a wealth of knowledge and resources. College education helps students establish interpersonal networks, which include peers as well as professionals. Higher education teaches students about discipline and hard work, as well as about success and challenges. This paper shall conclude by noting a number of things students can do to get more value from their college or university education and by outlining some of the ways I as a student wish to further my career in accounting by graduating from the University of Phoenix.
The Value of a Higher Education
Higher education requires a considerable investment of time and money, as wall as a considerable lifestyle change. Those entering college or a university must not only be willing to pay tuition cost and school fees, and study for many years to get a degree, they must also arrange the rest of their lives around classes, exams, semesters, and summer breaks.

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