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  • United Nations. Speaks of Reform Japan Fifth Committee


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ID number:423921
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Many of the UN's functions and responsibilities have come under weighty circumstances. For example, the delegation of revenue to it's ramifications and the standard of which "who" will "maintain" a seat on the security counsil are two of the main topics. First off, financing the United Nations 15 specialized agencies, the UN itself, and roughly 9,000 staff members (of which 40% are of professional grade) with the "Regular Budget" is a problem that continues to be a major threat to the continuation of the UN for two reasons: Some of the larger industrial countries, such as the United States and Russia, have been with-holding a portion of their assessed contribution due to their dissatisfaction with certain aspects of UN administration. …

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