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  • To Be an Effective Leader, a Public Official Must Maintain the Highest Ethical and Moral Standards


    Essays1 Law

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ID number:736052
Published: 28.07.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

More news and reports about scandal, bribery and corruption of the public officials are revealed by the global mass media now, which remind us to seek a suitable measure for evaluating the performances and achievements of public officials. People trend to establish the ethical and moral criterias to judge the quality of a public official, while as is known to us, to be an effective leader, public officials should hold more characteristics significant rather than the ethical and moral merits.
Undoubtedly, people, no matter what roles they act as, should maintain the highest ethical and moral standards for the prosperity and achievement of the whole world, especially for the public officials.…

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