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  • Title: "A photographic Essay." Describes the common misconceptions of goth society today and attempts to clear up exactly what the community is all about.


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ID number:245846
Published: 14.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

A Photographic Essay
The terms "goth" and "gothic" have many different meanings to various people of the earth. They are often used to describe an artistic and architectural style that includes Victorian, Edwarian, and medieval designs. They are also used to describe a person who is somewhat barbaric, rude, or a non-conformist. However, in more recent times it has come to define an alternative sub-culture of society. A culture that is vastly misunderstood and under constant scrutiny from the general public. What people do not realize is that the premise of the gothic culture serves as a c…

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