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  • Time for Reform? Considering the Failures of the Electoral College in the US


    Essays3 Politics

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ID number:594937
Published: 01.01.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Description: This paper discusses the many shortcomings of the Electoral
College, and posits possible alternative electoral processes which likely be
more democratic.
Time for Reform?
Considering the failures of the Electoral College
A common misconception among American is that when they vote they elect the President. The truth is not nearly this simple. What in fact happens when a person votes is that there vote goes for an Elector. This Elector (who is selected by the respective state in which a vote is cast) casts ballots for two individuals, the President and the Vice-President. Each state has the same number of electors as there are Senate and House of Representative members for that State. When the voting has stopped the candidate who receives the majority of the Electoral votes for a state receives all the electoral votes for that state. All the votes are transmitted to Washington, D.C. for tallying, and the candidate with the majority of the electoral votes wins the presidency. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote, the responsibility of selecting the next President falls upon the House of Representatives. …

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