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  • Thomas Gainsborough: The Blue Boy


    Essays4 Art

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ID number:442414
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Thomas Gainsborough: The Blue Boy
Step One: The medium's employed by Gainsborough for this work are canvas and oil paint.
Step Two: Description
A. The work depicts a young man approximately 15 years of age, and by virtue of the clothing donned by him, is of
well to do status, or is modeling the outfit, as required by theartist. The setting is out doors, with a panoramic view a valley
to the left of the boy. No other people, animals or inanimate objects are present in the painting. The dark and blustery
appearance of the sky, seem to forebode stormy weather approaching, or the a…

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