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ID number:473942
Published: 01.11.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The early sixties
A national dance crazy swept the nation. Songs that were being released, had a familiar beat. Chubby Checkers was a main producer of these songs. Allot were slow and had a gentle mood. Important innovations came along in the early 60's. Producers became more skillful and mix and dub better. Temptations,Stevie Wonder and the 4 tops were the most popular in this decade. Females who were usually backgrounds were now lead vocalists. In the 60's, femine groups were very popular. The first girl group was the Shirelles and the most popular group was the Supreames but they emerged in 1964. The best girl group producer was Phil Spector. His technique added drama to the performance.
The new rock scene
White song writers started to emerge like The Beatles and Bob Dylan. …

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