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ID number:180744
Published: 02.06.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Well I for one am going to find out the truth the fool proof and most reliable way-By visiting the western front my self so you and I will finally and rightfully know the truth
<Tab/>Its 5:30 pm on the 23rd December 1915. The view across the western front was indescribable and beyond words. For miles upon miles all I could see one way was bottomless trenches, shell holes and by far the most distressing thing of all scattered limbs carcasses torsos and even items of clothing scattered around and on the other barbed wire blocking the way to no mans land. The trenches were described as "A sausage machine, because it was filled with live men churned out corpses and remained firmly screwed in to place."(Robert Graves). …

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