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ID number:344495
Published: 29.07.2021.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: n/a
References: Used

The social regard nowadays for Middle Age outstanding woman-
Hildegard von Bingen. She have had left behind a treasure-trove of
illuminated manuscripts, scholarly writings and songs written for her nuns to
sing at their saint devotions. Pope Benedict spoke and mentioned her during
two of his general audiences in September 2010. He praised the humility and
while praising at the same time, showed respect and gratefulness towards
Bingen who received God’s gifts, and the obedience she gave Church
authorities. He praised too the “rich theological content” of her mystical
visions that sum up the history of salvation from creation to the end of time.
Interest about Hildegard started to grow around the 800th anniversary of her
death , so it should be about 1979, when Philip Pickett and his New London
Consort gave possibly the first English performances of four of Hildegard’s
songs (mentioned previously). And, in 1983, the success of A Feather On The
Breath Of God, an album of her music, grabbed people’s curiosity about the
author of these sensual, vivid, lyrical songs. She did have found died in 1179
in the monastery at Rupertsberg, near Bingen. Ironically or not, though she
was known throughout medieval Europe as a stateswoman and a seer, there is
no evidence that her music was ever heard outside her own convent.…

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