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ID number:314215
Published: 25.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

"The revolution was cause by a myriad of problems. The lead up to 1789 saw a sharp reversal in the economic and social developments making a condition favorable to revolution. Contributing factors can be seen in the sever droughts and storms in 1785. The fluctuating harvests that affecting more then just food products, fabrics and textiles were also disrupted because of inconsistent harvest. The monarchy had through the nation into severe debt and in 1786 the Controller general of finances, Calonne reported to the King that radical reform was required. Interest payments sucked the government dry and the king's ministers found it impossible to raise new taxes, old taxes did not yield efficiently.
There had been growing in Europe, what has been referred to as the revolutionary spirit. …

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