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ID number:745716
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

For many people the most meaningful experience of their lives is well defined, clear and concise. One given occurrence, at a given time and in a clear setting can change the meaning of life for a person.
One late night I sat down in a quiet room in my house to think about my personal experiences, the only sound in the house came from an old mantel clock, which I like to keep wound and on time. I very much enjoy listening to the rhythmic tic-tock, and I regard it as a remainder of our time here on earth. The lights were dimmed down as low as they could be dimmed. So with the perfect setting, I began a journey back through time, my time, my life. As I tried to pinpoint that exact moment in my life, when everything came together, when it all made sense; I began to understand that life is filled with these precious moments, although we may not realize it right away.

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