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  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art


    Essays2 Art

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ID number:700984
Published: 09.10.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the finest Asian and European art collections that has enlightened and strengthened my understanding in my personal art experience.
Walking into the Hall of Buddhas, there was a sense of peace and guidance lingering inside me. The Seated Buddha, of the Tang dynasty, ca.650, from China, made of dry lacquer with traces of gilt and polychrome pigments, height 38 in, and width 27 in, sculpture-in-the-round. One of characteristics of seated Buddha is his seated posture. This posture of benevolence sits in the full lotus position, cross legged with heels placed on their opposing thighs, though the lower part of sculpture is missing. The damage arms lay on the legs. The positions of arms suggest that the hands performed the "contemplation" gesture, which imply the peace and endurance. The ear-lobes of the Buddha are elongated. The protuberance at the top of the head is of an unnatural regularity and terminates in a finial. The full torso, massive shoulder, and shallow, stylized drapery indicate strong Central Asian influence. …

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