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ID number:330052
Published: 05.08.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

(a)Describe the modernisation of Japan:
The Meiji Restoration describes a period of events which led to a dramatic change in the political and social structure of Japan following the downfall of the Tokugawa period. This period, called the Meiji period, lasted for 4 years (1866-1869), changing the traditional political system and revolutionizing Japan in a global context with Emperor Meiji reigning. Through this modernisation, Japan became accepted in the western countries and prospered economically, socially and as a nation evolved from a traditional feudal state to a modern imperial nation.
At the rise of the Meiji period, many Asian nations, including Japan were being overpowered by Western powers, even forced to sign unequal treaties which were in economical and legal favour of the Western powers. …

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