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ID number:591242
Published: 26.01.2004.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

With these newer technologies, a parent can also tell when their child is viewing the programs, so when the parent is working they can feel relaxed that their child is watching a nonviolent program or no TV at all. All of these strategies and new technology inventions are a wonderful idea; however, a parent must realize they cannot keep their child completely innocent. Eventually, a child is going to see aggression from the outside world, whether it is at the grocery store, or even the playground. There are many new discoveries to help raise a child to learn better, that the world is not all violent, and that growing into a teenager, and then into a man or woman, is a great experience. From media feeding their product to the world, not caring whether it is beneficial to us or not, to the media also showing us false documentation on real world news events, they only are set out to make profits, and own a piece of history. Whatever it leads down to, it is because the media ties seems to cause violent behavior in children, teenagers, and adults of all ages, and it should be known that the mass media could say nothing about it.…

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