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ID number:203413
Published: 04.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

This brings us to the third aspect of McDonaldization, which is calculability, being able to obtain large amounts of things in a very timely fashion. Although a speech isn't a large amount of things to produce, it requires a large amount of time to produce. With these speech-writing services, like they said, 60 seconds and you have what you want. I think with this being said, I would consider this to be calculable.
Lastly, the fourth idea behind McDonaldization that can be shown in graduation speeches is control, replacing human with non-human technology. The computer is what is replacing the human in this scenario. Normally, the speechwriter would have to come up with their own thoughts and ideas, and use their brainpower to write a good speech. That idea can be tossed out the window thanks to the McDonaldization of graduation speeches. Now, all the person must do is click on a topic and type in their credit card number.

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