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ID number:617778
Published: 11.06.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

This report I'm doing for history class is about Islam, how Islam started and who started it and what were the obstacles in the spreading of Islam. The book I'm reading is called "The Story of Islam" and it is really interesting; I like the way in which this author is able to go into such great detail about Islam. This book is pretty long and it took me a week and half to finish reading this, this book is pretty long and has about 283 pages and the publisher of this book is Ferozsons Ltd. This book is real easy to read because the author simplifies it with so many pictures. The reason why I picked this book is because I am a Muslim and I thought this might be an easy and interesting subject to write my book report on, plus the cover of this book is real interesting, and the author who wrote this book is real popular and interesting. I've heard so many good things about this author; he's such a good writer.…

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