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ID number:671583
Published: 21.01.2013.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Although there was a great contamination, the fertility is very high in the contaminated area, and, it is said that nowadays Belarus exports the products from this areas, even though there is a radiocaesium still present in milk, meat and some plant foods that remain significant for internal human exposure. Thus, the disaster could have an effect on our lives, too.
After the accident, the station was closed, and around the damaged reactor protective metal casing was built for 20 years. Now, 20 years are past and the safety walls start to crack, so there is a great possibility that the reactor can explode again. And a new disaster with more effects could start. So, actually, our world now is directly affected by the effects of this disaster.
Already, billions of dollars has been spent to eliminate the effects of the disaster and to help people, and much more money will be spent in the future. The costs will never decrease, because the effects of the Chernobyl disaster will be there forever and we and even our children and grandchildren will always remember the worst tragedy in the Soviet Union.

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