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  • The Dark Half Explan in detail what the author does to make the reader aware of the significance of the book.


    Essays1 Literature

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ID number:451052
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Dark Half
This is not the first time that Stephen King has written a dark allegory of the fiction writer's situation. ''Misery'' (1987) is a parable in chiller form of the popular writer's relation to his audience, which holds him prisoner and dictates what he writes, on pain of death. Mr. King's new novel, ''The Dark Half,'' is a parable in chiller form of the popular writer's relation to his creative genius, the vampire within him, the part of him that only awakes to raise Cain when he writes, the fratricidal twin who occupies ''the womblike dungeon'' of his imagination.
Thaddeus B…

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