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ID number:491764
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

For hygienic, and hair damage reasons.
As is evident in the project, there are many ingredients involved in the making of shampoo. Each shampoo contains different ingredients, which react in different ways. Modern technology, and scientific studies are allowing for studies to find shampoos that are healthier for the hair and scalp. Maybe one day a product will be available of little machines that attach to hair and stay there all day helping it fight oil, grease, dirt, and dryness. Can this one-day be a reality? Maybe, but one thing is for sure, by the year 2010, hair products will be so far advanced, that most woman will be able to sigh a sigh of relief that their worries about their hair are non existent anymore.

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