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ID number:350116
Published: 17.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

There are many challenges that Asian American individuals face in the world, from the period of the1800's when the first wave of immigration began to appear in America, to the year of 2003 today. Each Asian American has the ability to tell a different story about their experiences as a minority in the United States. However, there remains a connection between the individuals of the minority group. And one of the greatest factors that continually proceeds to create differences between one Asian American and another is their generation of existence.
One of the most important things to first clarify is what an Asian American is. "A person is classified as an Asian American if they are an American of Asian or Pacific Islander ancestry" (Soc. Culture newsgroup). What determines whether or not they are first or second-generation, is that the immigrants are known as first-generation. The children of the immigrants are known as second-generation, and their children are known as third-generation. The pattern continues as Asian American people continue to reproduce. …

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