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ID number:366799
Published: 21.04.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

"What goes up must also come down"
-Newton's Law of Gravity
Although they appear to be unrelated, the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and these words are closely connected. Following the laws of universal acceleration, gravity causes an object to achieve higher speeds when dropped from larger distances. With these high speeds, a greater force is achieved. The market crash resembles this due to the fact that a high economic level was reached compared to the expected level for that time, and when it fell, it fell faster and farther than any other recession. The question is, however, what let go to let this "gravity" take its toll? In more literal terms, What caused the Great Depression? Although many strong arguments may be made otherwise, income misdistribution, speculation and installment buying, and overproduction eventually led to the Great Depression. …

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