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ID number:900861
Published: 16.01.2007.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The ten commandments and dainas are very different, but there are a lot of similarities between them, too. The content and the moral of 10 commandments and dainas can be compared as well as the content, the tone and the way of expression can be contrasted.

One similarity is that both 10 Commandments and dainas have a holy day. The third commandment is: ‘Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy’. It means that people should not work on Sunday. Also in dainas it is said that it is a sin to work on Sunday.The 4th Commandment is: ‘Honor your father and your mother’. The opinion that father and mother should be honored is in dainas, too. It is said in dainas that it is very nice to live with parents. Parents give many things to their children and make their life easier so they should be honored for that.…

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