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ID number:958128
Published: 07.05.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The artifact that I did goes with the poem "Telling the Bees" by John Greenleaf Whittier. In the poem the speaker is walking back to his love's place in the country after a month of not seeing her. As he walks by, everything to him is the exactly the same as when he left it. The surroundings are all the same as when he last saw them, but it seems like an eternity since he last saw his love. The only things that he notices different are the beehives. He sees the chore girl draping a black cloth over each hive while telling the bees not to fly away because of the death of Mary, which was apparently his girlfriend.
In the poem it mentions about 'telling the bees' and draping a shred of black over the beehives. This is one example of a superstition. The custom of 'telling the bees' is well displayed in Sussex.…

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