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ID number:233937
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Imagine the excitement of outstanding choreography, virtuosi dancers, and even live chamber musicians coming together to put on an extraordinary dance performance. This was the scene on November 21 at the Cowell Theatre as Stacey Printz's dance company overwhelmed the audience's expectations with six dynamic pieces, validating her credibility as a woman choreographer. Printz put to rest the notion that female choreographers are less able than men to afford and implement a great performance, by showing her immense creative talent. Every aspect of the evening length work was fulfilled by her drive to out do herself. Printz's use of space, time, and endurance made for a truly spectacular show. Her hard work and dedication shone through, proving that women can work in the same dance world as men choreographers.…

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