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ID number:158652
Published: 11.10.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

It appears evident that retaining high employees is problem that the SMC Corporation must remedy. Not all factors affecting turnover are under SMC's control, SMC does have considerable bearing on those that work for them. The communication between the SMC staff and the district supervisors, appear to have been minimal, which is evident when looking at the way in which the CEO plans to leave the company came to light. SMC needs to identify the areas lacking in regards to retaining their immediate staff, and there are a number of major areas for SMC to investigate to try to eliminate the possibility of this same problem occurring again. SMC needs to discover whether the supervisors and employees see a link between their pay and their performance, or if they perceive advancement opportunities within SMC, and if they feel their contributions are recognized and valued.
The lack of a job specification presents a problem for SMC when it comes to recruitment and selection of candidates to fill the vacancies. …

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