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ID number:672108
Published: 22.09.2005.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

To increase output production and meet increased order demand the SMC Company must hire a skilled operations specialist to assess and organize the organization. Questions such as, can our current processes, people and equipment be improved in order to increase production? Are training, teamwork, and motivation evident or lacking and how can we improve the staff and systems we currently have all need to be asked in order to determine the need for additional staff.
If upon answering these questions it is determined that more staff is needed, hiring should be done for the manufacturing department through temp-to-hire workers. Using temporary workers will allow SMC to adjust staffing according to need and assist in obtaining and retaining skilled workers. The diversity of the labor force should be reflective in the hiring practices of SMC. The company needs to be more aware and open-minded about the skills and abilities of the minorities in the community around them.

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