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ID number:475140
Published: 30.05.2021.
Language: English
Level: College/University
Literature: 3 units
References: Not used

To conclude everything mentioned above, it can be concluded that the short film I have chose to describe is a personal piece for me. In a meaning of how much it has impact the way of expressing my self and appreciating my surroundings as much as the people. Nowadays, it is rather hard than easy to watch a visually pleasant and still meaningful music video, piece of visual art. And in this case there is a collaboration of these two significant elements. Notably, the used of body language and particularly eyes contacts are very meaningful for the final message from the author of the music video. The story has an ability to bring something familiar for everyone, and I believe that is the main goal for a band to create a thoughtful after taste and it is exactly what Rhye has composed.

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