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ID number:377395
Published: 11.01.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

A Company which have 100 people, has just gone into liquidation, being unable to manufacture furniture of sufficient quality and provide enough to satisfy the demand for it. In order to solve the problem, we have already thought up a plan. The bank manager have already accepts the financial and marketing aspects of the plan, but he is unsure of my management ability and how I would improve the organisation and management of the collectively brought about the company's downfall. So I am now have to reassure him and persuade him that I know not only how to manage people, but also how to set up and organise appropriate business processes.
For the business problem that we are working with. It is require a range of skilful and craft workers, So that the aim of the plan is to provide a good quality and sufficient amount of products. Satisfy the demand for it. Show that plan to the bank manager, give him a confidence. So that we can borrow this budget form him then we can put the company on track again.

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