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ID number:770193
Published: 01.06.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The Renaissance left an intellectual artistic legacy that still remains important today. The Renaissance affected a variety of things including painting, architecture, literature, science and education. The influence of painting was particularly strong and it stood out. In the modern world there still could be a "Universal Man" or "Renaissance Man." Since the Renaissance, people have been inspired by the intellectual daring of such men as Petrarch and Erasmus. The word Renaissance means rebirth, the Renaissance created the rebirth for classical learning and it represented new ideas, beliefs, and learning.
During the age of the Renaissance art was greatly influenced by new ideas and artists like Leonardo da Vinci. The artistic world of the Renaissance began to develop when artists began to paint their thoughts and beliefs. The first stage of Renaissance art was Christian Worship and Imagery. Christians believed strongly in Christ and honored him with paintings, gilt copper sculptures, and marble sculptures. Most of the art focused on Jesus and his sacrifices. Other artistic works focused on Jesus' crucifying and offerings.…

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