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ID number:274425
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The conclusions reached by the study, show that , Acompared with the general population, men aged 65 to 75 years with conservatively treated low-grade prostate cancer incur no loss of life expectancy. Men with higher-grade tumors (Gleason scores 5 to 10) experience a progressively increasing loss of life expectancy (Albertsen, et al, 1995. p.626).@
Quality of life outcomes in men who were treated for localized PC were analyzed in a study designed by Litwin, et al. The objective of their design was to assess health related quality of life (HRQOL) in men who were treated for localized PC. Sherebourne, et al. (cited in Litwin, et al, 1995. p.129) found that, Awhile the duration of life is easily assessed, the measurement of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is more difficult and less familiar to most physicians. Health related quality of life refers to how well an individual functions in life and to his or her perceptions of well-being.@
Litwin, et al, (1995. P.131), found that, AMen who underwent radical surgery or radiation reported poorer sexual function (decreased frequency and quality of erections, decreased morning erections, decreased intercourse, and decreased ability to achieve sexual climax) than those without prostate cancer.@
Litwin, et al, (1995. p.132) found that, AIn urinary function, radiation, observation, and comparison patients scored significantly better than surgery patients. Dysfunction included greater frequency and amounts of leakage, more pads used per day to control leakage, and more interference with sexual function due to leakage. Despite a significant difference in level of dysfunction, patients undergoing surgery or receiving radiation were equally bothered by their incontinence.

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