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  • Precedents and Present Events in the European Union: An Institutional Perspective an Treaty Reform


    Essays3 Politics

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ID number:700077
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

-The examination of decision-making in the IGC has shown that three mechanisms were particularly important in structuring the conference:
1.past decisions created the framework for the IGC
2.the increase in the number of member states and the changes in the procedures for handling the IGC increased the complexity of the bargaining process, and made information and communication more costly and more complicated
3.a series of other pressing events affected the distribution of attention and the issues addressed during the treaty revision process.
-The examination has questioned the basic assumptions of institutional reform processes according to the LI perspective, that is, that key bargains in the EU are characterized by their voluntary nature, easy communication, and flexible as regards time
-Sverdrup has shown that the IGC did not represent a voluntary process, that the processing of information was difficult and it was not flexible in time.

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