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ID number:273917
Published: 01.12.1996.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

The aim of this assignment will be to explore poverty and how it influences peoples understanding of healthcare. I will be focussing on mental health clients and welfare benefits. I will aim to define poverty, discuss the effects it has on my client group, and their perception of healthcare. For reasons of confidentiality, pseudonyms will be used for any client referred to in this assignment.
Poverty then, for most people, according to Hallawell & Brittle (1995), is a condition to which most of us strive to avoid, an unacceptable concept which is far removed from modern day living, and only affects 3rd World countries or was from past eras. Poverty is a term with negative connotations, associated with words such as deprivation and lack. Being poor is to lack what others - the 'comfortable' possess. It is a stain or stigma on an individuals or social group's identity ( Brooking, Ritter and Thomas 1992).
There are two categories of poverty - absolute and relative poverty. Both these definitions have an adverse influence on an individuals health. (Calman 1997) Absolute, as defined by Walsh Stephens and More (1999) is basic human needs in terms of shelter, clothing and food.…

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