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  • Personal Goals Paper about Being a Student at the University of Phoenix


    Essays1 Management

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ID number:507313
Published: 22.11.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

My parents always had this saying, "Set personal goals in life that will help strengthen the rainbow". That proverb had a profound effect on me as I grew older and starting to plan my life. We all have rainbows or dreams in life that need the proper goals to achieve them. Sometimes accomplishing certain goals can be derailed by unforeseen occurrences or certain constraints in life, such as, the amount money, time and support system you have to pursue them. But dreams don't ever go away and as long you can see that rainbow, you can always reset new goals to achieve your dreams.
I decided to pursue a degree in Business Management at the University of Phoenix because one day my rainbow appeared and I decided to reset goals to pursue it. …

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