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  • Painting and Calligraphy Are Strengthening in the Discovery of Redefining Chinese Art. Two Defining Styles that Portray Dynastic Views


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ID number:749575
Published: 08.08.2003.
Language: English
Level: Secondary school
Literature: n/a
References: Not used

Paintings and calligraphy manifest the many characteristics of Chinese art. Chinese pictorial representations of the surrounding world go deeper than just a simple picture. This can also be seen in calligraphy. To some it may seem as simple as writing Chinese characters on paper, yet both are known constructive art. Paintings are portrayed both stylistically and thematically while a calligrapher creates rhythm and strength with the tip of the brush. These two types of art have great significance in the art world, not just by stylistic elements, but deeper inside towards the reflection of society. The influence of paintings and calligraphy are like the soul towards Chinese fine arts.
With sequences and strokes, calligraphy can take great beauty and form. The calligrapher creates his work while handling the ink and writing finely with a brush. Strokes and spaces are important in creating a new sense of beauty.

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